Important steps to take before your tan:
I can't wait to see you! Here are some steps you should take before coming to ensure your tan is flawless:
- All waxing, manicures & pedicures should be done at least 24 hours prior to the appointment.
- Exfoliate your body thoroughly the day before using an exfoliating body scrub. This will help get rid of dead skin cells and ensure an even tan. The spray tan will not develop 100% if there are barriers on the skin.
- Shave the day before- never the day of! (Shaving the day of your tan may cause streaks from your razor's moisture strip and/or build up of the tan's bronzer in your pores.)
- Shower at least 3-4 hours before your appointment. Make sure to rinse your body wash off well so that there is no residue that could cause streaks.
- Do not to wear perfume, deodorant, or makeup to your appointment.
- Female clients may tan in a bathing suit, undergarment or nude. Male clients must wear an undergarment/bathing suit.
- Do you want a perfectly crisp tan line? Wear a solid bottom instead of lace. The spray will go through the lace causing an uneven tan line.
- Wear loose dark colored clothes to the appointment. Solution will most likely get on your clothes so wear something dark, it will come out in the wash!
- Rainy day? Please bring an umbrella & long sleeves and pants.
-Please be on time be on time and have all of your tanning prep done prior to the appointment time.
For more pre-tan tips look on instagram @laolivatan
Pre-tan prep is very important in order to have a flawless long lasting tan! xoxo
After your spray tan-
- Wear dark loose fitting clothes and loose flip flops. No jeans, tight fitting clothes, sports bras, socks or running shoes until after your first rinse.
- Do not get wet in any way before your first rinse. Right after your spray avoid: washing your hands and face, rain, working out, any water activities, sweating, and skin to skin contact like crossing your legs. These activities are fine after your first rinse.
- DO NOT worry if you notice dark areas around your neck, elbows, and knees. Please do not rub these areas because this is just the initial bronzers that will blend in completely after showering.
- If you have been sprayed with the rapid solution please follow the 1-6 hour rinse instructions for your desired degree of darkness. Do not panic when it seems like you have little color after your rinse. This particular tan continues to develop for up to 24 hours.
- Do not be alarmed when you see the initial bronzer coming off in the shower. This is normal and does not affect your tan.
- Use body wash and lotion that does not contain sulfates (SLS or SLES), mineral oil or petroleum (Victorias Secret, Bath and Body Works, Dove, Dial ,Olay) This is important because these products ingredients do not react well with DHA and are not pH balanced. Using them with a spray tan could result in a lighter tan that does not last or a tan that turns golden or orange. If you need assistance with products, La Oliva Tan offers pH balanced body washes, lotions and sunscreens that are tan safe.
- While in the shower avoid scrubbing and while drying off, pat dry instead of rubbing.
- Moisturize ALOT. This will ensure your tan fades evenly.
- Your tan can last anywhere from 5-10 days depending on your skin type and how diligently you follow the Pre and Post Tan care reccomendations.