What is a spray tan and how does it work?
Spray tanning involves applying dihydroxyacetone (DHA) to the skin using an air mist system. DHA reacts to the amino acids in the skin to produce a golden brown color.
Are spray tans safe?
DHA based sunless tanning has been recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation and American Medical Association as a safer alternative to sun bathing. The FDA permanently added DHA to their list of approved cosmetic ingredients in the 1970s restricting it to external application only.
How dark will I get?
The darker you tan naturally in the sun the darker you will tan with a spray tan. Since each solution contains different strengths of DHA, your skin tone will determine which strength of DHA should be used and how long it should be kept on before rising.
How long will my tan last?
Spray tans can last anywhere from 5-10 days. The results will depend on how well the recommended pre and post care is followed. Your skin will naturally start to shed old skin cells and your airbrush tan will begin to fade.
What do I wear during my tan?
Female clients may choose to wear whatever you feel comfortable in (bathing suit, undergarments, or nude) Male clients must wear an undergarment or bathing suit. Please keep in mind that the tanning solution will get on any garment worn so you will want to choose something dark.
Will sun spots/damage look any different with a spray tan?
There is a possibility that any existing sun spots and sun damage on your skin will appear darker once a spray tan is applied. Sometimes sun damage is not really noticeable pre spray tan but when it is sprayed it can take on a darker freckled look. Sun spots that are already darker may look even darker when the tan is applied. This does not happen for everyone but I would like you to be aware of the possibility.
How does a mobile tan work?
Mobile tans are quick and easy and they are done at whatever location you would like. I will bring a pop up tent along with my equipment. I can set up anywhere! It takes about 30 minutes. You receive the same exact than that you would in the studio, I just come to you!